Genesis™ XF
Designed to prevent plastic shrinkage cracking and control non-structural temperature-shrinkage cracking.
Product Description
GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers are specially engineered with a patented technology that enhances mechanical bonding with the mortar mix through a micro-reinforcing system. This system improves the residual strength by 26% compared to other leading fibrillated fiber products on the market today. The unique technology of GENESIS™ XF Fibers also provides excellent temperature shrinkage and plastic shrinkage crack control.
GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers are manufactured from virgin homopolymer polypropylene resins, and meet the requirements of ASTM C1116/C1116M “Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete” and the requirements of ICC ES AC32 Section 3.1.1 for plastic shrinkage reinforcement and 3.1.2 for shrinkage and temperature reinforcement.
Features / Properties
Use only GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers specifically engineered and manufactured for use in concrete as secondary reinforcement. GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers are for the control of cracking due to drying shrinkage, thermal expansion and contraction, lowered permeability, increased impact, and shatter and abrasion resistance. GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers comply with applicable building codes and ASTM C1116/C1116M, Section 4.1.3, Type III.
GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers should be specified for use in precast and slab-on-ground concrete:
- To enhance post cure residual strength, toughness and durability
- To enhance post, first-crack performance
- To reduce chipping, cracking & breakage
- To reduce handling & transportation stresses
- To reduce de-molding and stripping issues
- To increase impact & abrasion resistance
FABPRO POLYMERS’ fibers are not intended to be used as a replacement for structural reinforcement.
Guidelines for Use
GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers are typically added at a dosage rate of 1.5 lb/yd3 (0.9 kg/m3). Different dosage rates may be appropriate depending on the application.
GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers are packaged in pre-measured, ready-to-use, degradable bags, designed to be introduced into the mix at any time before, during or after other ready-mixed concrete materials produced in accordance with procedures specified in ASTM C94/C94M. Standard practices detailed in ACI 302 for placing, finishing and curing concrete should be followed when using GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers.
GENESIS™ XF Fibrillated Fibers are available in a variety of packaging options. Standard bag size is 1.5 lb (0.68 kg). Bags are packaged in ultra-durable boxes, palletized, and stretch-wrapped with corner boards to prevent damage from shipping and handling.